Barrel Room Event, Patio Event, Taproom Events
Saturday 12.21
12:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Winter holidays are a challenging time for blood collection. As our thanks for helping during this critical time, come in to give and you’ll receive your choice of a pair of athletic socks or a limited-edition beanie!
Give a Pint, Get a Pint!
All presenting donors will receive a voucher for a FREE pint!
Sign-up online at and enter sponsor code 5131.
56 Brewing Blood Drive
Saturday, December 21
12:00PM – 4:00PM
Bloodmobile @ 56 Brewing
3055 NE Columbia Ave, Minneapolis
Prepare to Donate:
-Eat well and hydrate
-Bring Photo ID
-Feel good and symptom free
-Must be 17+ or 16 with parental consent form
-Meet minimum weight requirements
-Save time by answering your health history at
Questions? Please contact MBC at 888.GIVE.BLD.